Spring 2025 International Astronomy Day Star Party at Mueller State Park Visitor Center on Saturday, May 3rd from 8:30-10:30 PM. This event is free and open to the public (State park fees apply). CSASTRO Members will set up their telescopes and share views of the night sky. Weather permitting, we’ll also have a guided tourContinue reading “International Astronomy Day Star Party, Mueller State Park, Saturday, May 3rd, 8:30-10:30 PM”

It’s SUN-Day on a Saturday at Mueller State Park. We’ll set up our special solar observing telescopes at the Visitor Center Parking Lot from 9 am to Noon on Saturday, Aug 9th to share some unique views of our nearest star, the Sun! The Sun is at solar maximum and so, with our specially designedContinue reading “SUN-Day In The Park, Mueller State Park, Saturday, Aug 16th, 9 AM – Noon”

Fall International Astronomy Day Star Party at Mueller State Park on Saturday, Sept 27th from 8-10 PM. CSASTRO Volunteers will set up telescopes in the Visitor Center parking lot and share views of the night sky. Weather permitting we’ll also provide a guided tour of the night sky. State Park Fees apply.