Registration-only event. Join the Colorado Springs Astronomical Society at Garden of The Gods on September 22nd from 7:00 – 9:00 PM for a one-of-a-kind nighttime hike to welcome the start of Fall. What does the Equinox mean for us on Earth and what did it mean to civilizations before clocks and computers? Learn how ancientContinue reading “Equinox Hike, Garden of The Gods Park, Monday, Sept 22nd, 7-9 PM”

CSASTRO Meetings are free and open to the public and are currently being held in person and online (see location and virtual meeting invite information below). This month’s presentation is TBD. We will also have our regular Observers Reports, What’s Up in the Night Sky, and more Education Activities Center (EAC) Space Foundation Discovery CenterContinue reading “CSASTRO Monthly Meeting – Free and Open to the Public”

Family Star Party at the Space Foundation Discovery Center, Friday, September 26th from 7-9 PM. We’ll set up our telescopes in the parking lot for free views of the celestial sights in the sky. This is free and open to the public. The Discovery Center museum will also be open with discounted prices and activitiesContinue reading “Space Foundation Discovery Center Family Star Party, Friday, Sept 26th, 7-9 PM”

Fall International Astronomy Day Star Party at Mueller State Park on Saturday, Sept 27th from 8-10 PM. CSASTRO Volunteers will set up telescopes in the Visitor Center parking lot and share views of the night sky. Weather permitting we’ll also provide a guided tour of the night sky. State Park Fees apply.

Monday, Sept 29th, 6:30-9:30 PM (3 mile hike) or 7:30-9:30 PM (1-mile hike) Advance Registration Is Required. Space is limited. Click this link to the sign-up page: (CSASTRO has no connection to or responsibility for the registration process). Come join us for a free adventurous astronomy night hike at Cheyenne Mountain State Park! (FreeContinue reading “Astronomy Hikes, Cheyenne Mountain State Park, Monday, Sept 29th”

This is a star party for CSASTRO Members on Friday, Oct 17th starting at 7 PM at the Ramah SWA. We’ll be setting up in the parking lot on the North side by the vault bathroom. This is a SWA so a SWA Pass or Hunting/Fishing License is required. It is open 24 hours butContinue reading “CSASTRO Member Star Party, Ramah State Wildlife Area, Friday, Oct 17th, 7-9 PM”

The Board meeting is open to all members. Mike Schmidt will be conducting the meeting.   The meeting will be online via GoTo Meeting.   CSASTRO Board Room GoToMeeting info: Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. You can also dial in using your phone. Access Code: 874-706-077 United States: +1Continue reading “Board Meeting”

Family Star Party at the Space Foundation Discovery Center, Friday, October 24th from 6-8 PM. We’ll set up our telescopes in the parking lot for free views of the celestial sights in the sky. This is free and open to the public. The Discovery Center museum will also be open with discounted prices and activitiesContinue reading “Space Foundation Discovery Center Family Star Party, Friday, Oct 24th, 6-8 PM”

CSASTRO Meetings are free and open to the public and are currently being held in person and online (see location and virtual meeting invite information below). This month’s presentation is TBD. We will also have our regular Observers Reports, What’s Up in the Night Sky, and more Education Activities Center (EAC) Space Foundation Discovery CenterContinue reading “CSASTRO Monthly Meeting – Free and Open to the Public”

Wednesday, October 29th, 6-9 PM (3 mile hike) or 7-9 PM (1-mile hike) Advance Registration Is Required. Space is limited. Click this link to the sign-up page: (CSASTRO has no connection to or responsibility for the registration process). Come join us for a free adventurous astronomy night hike at Cheyenne Mountain State Park! (FreeContinue reading “Astronomy Hike, Cheyenne Mountain State Park, Wednesday, October 29th”

CSASTRO Meetings are free and open to the public and are currently being held in person and online (see location and virtual meeting invite information below). This month’s presentation is TBD. We will also have our regular Observers Reports, What’s Up in the Night Sky, and more Education Activities Center (EAC) Space Foundation Discovery CenterContinue reading “CSASTRO Monthly Meeting – Free and Open to the Public”

The Board meeting is open to all members. Mike Schmidt will be conducting the meeting.   The meeting will be online via GoTo Meeting.   CSASTRO Board Room GoToMeeting info: Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. You can also dial in using your phone. Access Code: 874-706-077 United States: +1Continue reading “Board Meeting”

Family Star Party at the Meadows Park Community Center, Friday, December 12th from 5:30-7:30 PM. We’ll set up our telescopes in the playground area for free views of the celestial sights in the sky. This is free and open to the public. Star parties are always weather dependent. Any changes/cancellations will be made here. 

The Board meeting is open to all members. Mike Schmidt will be conducting the meeting.   The meeting will be online via GoTo Meeting.   CSASTRO Board Room GoToMeeting info: Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. You can also dial in using your phone. Access Code: 874-706-077 United States: +1Continue reading “Board Meeting”

Advance registration required! Join the Garden of The Gods and the Colorado Springs Astronomical Society as we celebrate the Winter Solstice with a hike through the park. The Winter Solstice is the night that is the longest of the year which is great for astronomy. While on this 1.5 hour hike through the park you’llContinue reading “Winter Solstice Hike in Garden of The Gods, Sunday, Dec 21st, 6-8 PM”