Spring 2025 International Astronomy Day Star Party at Mueller State Park Visitor Center on Saturday, May 3rd from 8:30-10:30 PM. This event is free and open to the public (State park fees apply). CSASTRO Members will set up their telescopes and share views of the night sky. Weather permitting, we’ll also have a guided tourContinue reading “International Astronomy Day Star Party, Mueller State Park, Saturday, May 3rd, 8:30-10:30 PM”

Monday, May 5th, 7-10 PM (3 mile hike) or 8-10 PM (1-mile hike) Advance Registration Is Required. Space is limited. Click this link to the sign-up page: https://cpwconnect.state.co.us/Calendar (CSASTRO has no connection to or responsibility for the registration process). Come join us for a free adventurous astronomy night hike at Cheyenne Mountain State Park! (FreeContinue reading “Astronomy Hike, Cheyenne Mountain State Park, Monday, May 5th”

It’s SUN-Day on a Saturday at Castlewood Canyon State Park. We’ll set up our special solar observing telescopes at the Lake Gulch Trailhead from 9 am to Noon on Saturday, May 17th to share some unique views of our nearest star, the Sun! The Sun is at solar maximum and so, with our specially designedContinue reading “SUN-Day In The Park, Castlewood Canyon State Park, Saturday, May17th, 9 AM – Noon”

The Board meeting is open to all members. Mike Schmidt will be conducting the meeting.   The meeting will be online via GoTo Meeting.   CSASTRO Board Room GoToMeeting info: Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. https://meet.goto.com/874706077 You can also dial in using your phone. Access Code: 874-706-077 United States: +1Continue reading “Board Meeting”

CSASTRO Meetings are free and open to the public and are currently being held in person and online (see location and virtual meeting invite information below). This month’s presentation is TBD.  We will also have our regular Observers Reports, What’s Up in the Night Sky, and more Education Activities Center (EAC) Space Foundation Discovery CenterContinue reading “CSASTRO Monthly Meeting – Free and Open to the Public”

This event is free and open to the public. We’ll be setting up telescopes for public viewing in the parking lot area immediately adjacent to the Visitor and Nature Center. As star parties are weather dependent check back here for any official updates on cancellations. We strive to make any go/no-go calls no less thanContinue reading “Garden of The Gods Star Party, Saturday, June 6th, 8:30-10:30 PM”

Wednesday, June 11th, 7:30-10:30 PM (3 mile hike) or 8:30 -10:30 PM (1-mile hike) Advance Registration Is Required. Space is limited. Click this link to the sign-up page: https://cpwconnect.state.co.us/Calendar (CSASTRO has no connection to or responsibility for the registration process). Come join us for a free adventurous astronomy night hike at Cheyenne Mountain State Park!Continue reading “Astronomy Hike, Cheyenne Mountain State Park, Wednesday, June 11th”

The Board meeting is open to all members. Mike Schmidt will be conducting the meeting.   The meeting will be online via GoTo Meeting.   CSASTRO Board Room GoToMeeting info: Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. https://meet.goto.com/874706077 You can also dial in using your phone. Access Code: 874-706-077 United States: +1Continue reading “Board Meeting”

REGISTRATION REQUIRED Enjoy the longest day of the year with a summer solstice hike, in the Garden of the Gods Park. This hike will be guided by volunteers from the Colorado Springs Astronomical Society. This 2 hour, approximately 3 mile hike will start at the Garden of the Gods Visitor & Nature Center. Telescopes forContinue reading “Summer Solstice Astronomy Hike, Friday, June 20th, 8:30-10:30 PM”

It’s SUN-Day on a Saturday at Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument. We’ll set up our special solar observing telescopes at the Visitor Center from 9 am to Noon on Saturday, June 21st to share some unique views of our nearest star, the Sun! The Sun is at solar maximum and so, with our specially designedContinue reading “SUN-Day In The Park, Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument, Saturday, June 21st, 9 AM – Noon”

NOTE: This event is an advanced registration event not open to the general public. We are supporting this event as invited guests of the Festival and not the event coordinators responsible for registration. CSASTRO will once again be supporting Astronomy and S’Mores at the Green Box Arts Festival in Green Mountain Falls, Colorado on Tuesday,Continue reading “Green Box Arts Festival Star Party, Tuesday, July 8th, 9-11 PM”