CSASTRO Meetings are free and open to the public and are currently being held in person and online (see location and virtual meeting invite information below). This months presentation is TBD. We will also have our regular Observers Reports, What’s Up in the Night Sky, and Committee reports. Education Activities Center (EAC) Space Foundation DiscoveryContinue reading “CSASTRO Monthly Meeting – Free and Open to the Public”
Friday, March 14th, , 6:30-9:30 PM (3 mile hike) or 7:30-9:30 PM (1-mile hike) Advance Registration Is Required. Space is limited. Click this link to the sign-up page: https://cpwconnect.state.co.us/Calendar (NOTE: CSASTRO has no connection to or responsibility for the registration process). Come join us for a free adventurous astronomy night hike at Cheyenne Mountain StateContinue reading “Astronomy Hikes, Cheyenne Mountain State Park, Friday, March 14th, 6:30 – 9:30 PM”
The Board meeting is open to all members. Mike Schmidt will be conducting the meeting. The meeting will be online via GoTo Meeting. CSASTRO Board Room GoToMeeting info: Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. https://meet.goto.com/874706077 You can also dial in using your phone. Access Code: 874-706-077 United States: +1Continue reading “Board Meeting”
*NOTE: This event has limited spaces and registration is required. See below for details. Join the Colorado Springs Astronomical Society at Garden of The Gods on March 20th from 7:00 – 9:00 PM for a one-of-a-kind nighttime hike to welcome the start of Spring! March 20th is the Spring Equinox – the first day ofContinue reading “Garden of The Gods Equinox Hike, Thursday, March 20th, 7-9 PM”
CSASTRO Meetings are free and open to the public and are currently being held in person and online (see location and virtual meeting invite information below). This months presentation is TBD. We will also have our regular Observers Reports, What’s Up in the Night Sky, and Committee Reports Education Activities Center (EAC) Space FoundationContinue reading “CSASTRO Monthly Meeting – Free and Open to the Public”
Thursday, April 3rd, 6:30-9:30 PM (3 mile hike) or 7:30-9:30 PM (1-mile hike) Advance Registration Is Required. Space is limited. Click this link to the sign-up page: https://cpwconnect.state.co.us/Calendar (CSASTRO has no connection to or responsibility for the registration process). Come join us for a free adventurous astronomy night hike at Cheyenne Mountain State Park! (FreeContinue reading “Astronomy Hike, Cheyenne Mountain State Park, Thursday, April 3rd”
The annual Space Symposium is scheduled from April 7-10 at the Broadmoor Hotel. If you’d like to participate it requires a registration. Here’s the link to register (beware of sticker shock): https://www.spacesymposium.org/fees-tickets-and-policies/. tjd
This event is free and open to the public. Pikes Peak State College Centennial (South) Campus As part of our continuing support for the Pikes Peak Community College astronomy program our first (of three) campus Star Parties will be on Monday, April 7th, from 8-10 PM at the Centennial campus. We will be at theContinue reading “Pikes Peak State College Centennial (South) Campus Star Party, Monday, April 7th, 8:00 – 10:00 PM”
Placeholder for tentative event with El Paso County Regional Parks. This will be a registration only event led by El Paso County Parks and Recreation.
It’s SUN-Day on a Saturday at Cheyenne Mountain State Park. We’ll set up our special solar observing telescopes at the Limekiln Trailhead from 9 am to Noon on Saturday, April 12th to share some unique views of our nearest star, the Sun! The Sun is at solar maximum and so, with our specially designed solarContinue reading “SUN-Day In The Park, Cheyenne Mountain State Park, Saturday, April 12th, 9 AM – Noon”
Observing the stars at Legacy Peak Elementary School. We’ll set up telescopes in the basketball court area on the Southeast side of the building across from the Challenger Learning Center entrance.
The Board meeting is open to all members. Mike Schmidt will be conducting the meeting. The meeting will be online via GoTo Meeting. CSASTRO Board Room GoToMeeting info: Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. https://meet.goto.com/874706077 You can also dial in using your phone. Access Code: 874-706-077 United States: +1Continue reading “Board Meeting”
PPSC Rampart Range (North) Campus As part of our continuing support for the Pikes Peak State College astronomy program our second (of three) campus Star Parties will be on Wednesday, April 16th 8-10 PM at the Rampart Range campus. We will be at the observatory on the east side of the main campus building. WeContinue reading “Pikes Peak State College Rampart (North) Campus Star Party, Wednesday, April 16th, 8:00 – 10:00 PM”
CSASTRO Meetings are free and open to the public and are currently being held in person and online (see location and virtual meeting invite information below). This month’s presentation is TBD. We will also have our regular Observers Reports, What’s Up in the Night Sky, and more Education Activities Center (EAC) Space Foundation Discovery CenterContinue reading “CSASTRO Monthly Meeting – Free and Open to the Public”
PPSC Rampart Range (North) Campus As part of our continuing support for the Pikes Peak State College astronomy program our third (out of three) campus Star Parties will be on Thursday, April 20th, 8-10 PM at the Rampart Range campus. We will be at the observatory on the east side of the main campus building.Continue reading “Pikes Peak State College Rampart (North) Campus Star Party, Thursday, April 24th, 8:00 – 10:00 PM”
STEM Carnival at Schriever Space Force Base. If there are DoD Card Holders that have SSFB access that would like to support this let the Education Director know.
Star Party at Horizon Middle School on the East side of the school in the grassy open area. This event is open to all in the public that would like to attend.
Solar telescopes will be set up on the sidewalk near the entrance to the Space Foundation Discovery Center in celebration of Space Week and International Astronomy Day. We’ll have white light and Ha views of the Sun sharing views of our nearest star in ways that are amazing.