Hal, Tristan and Dave were also there showing views of the Sun.Continue reading “Big Cool Science Festival”
March 14 Star Gazing event open to the public
It’s star gazing time! Join us on Saturday, March 14, from 7:30-9:30 at the Florissant Fossil Beds Visitor Center. The night sky program begins with a 30 minute interpretive program inside the visitor center followed by 90 minutes of sky watching. Saturday’s topic is “Measuring the Dark”. Continue reading “March 14 Star Gazing event open to the public”
Valentine’s Under the Stars at Florissant Fossil Beds February 14
Colorado Springs Astronomical Society members will be at the Florissant Fossil Beds N.M. on February 14 with our telescopes for public viewing of the stars.
Florissant Fossil Beds is an excellent place to learn about and enjoy the wonders of the night sky. Located 1 hour from Colorado Springs, Florissant Fossil Beds is easily accessible yet far enough away
from light pollution to provide for dark skies to observe. From the park, it is possible to see the Milky Way, other galaxies, star clusters, nebulas, comets (when they are around) and much more. The night sky programs begin with a 30 minute interpretive program inside the visitor center. The program is followed by 90 minutes of sky watching. No reservations are necessary. Space
is limited inside the theater where the presentation is given.Continue reading “Valentine’s Under the Stars at Florissant Fossil Beds February 14”
March 2015 Public Star Party
Where: Palmer Park, 3650 Maizeland Road, Colorado Springs, CO 80909
Of course you know how Colorado is, so don’t forget to check back here the night of the star party to find out if it’s still on depending on the weather.
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February 2015 Meeting
Date: February 25th, 2015 (Wednesday – not the usual day!)
Time: 6:30-8:30 pm
Place: East Library Community Room (map below)
Video streaming: http://www.livestream.com/csastro
- President’s Introduction
- New Members/Visitors Welcome
- What’s Up in Tonight’s Sky
- Al Acker – Observatory Remote Control
- Adjourn
East Library Community Room
5550 North Union Blvd.
Colorado Springs, CO
Comet Lovejoy and the Florissant Fossil Beds Night Sky program with CSAS
Comet Lovejoy has just made its closest approach to Earth and is now making its way back out of the solar system. People in the Northern Hemisphere like us here in Southern Colorado still have a chance to see it at its brightest as its journey takes it past Pleiades and high into the night sky. This will be one of our target objects at our upcoming star party 6-8 PM on Saturday, January 17 at the Florrisant Fossil Beds National Monument Visitors Center.
http://www.nps.gov/flfo/planyourvisit/event-details.htm?eventID=821446-452862Continue reading “Comet Lovejoy and the Florissant Fossil Beds Night Sky program with CSAS”
Telescope Air Currents
by Floyd Glick
What difference does using a simple fan make when it is directed to blow its air across the face of a mirror? See for yourself.
January 2015 Monthly Meeting
Date: January 27th, 2015 (Tuesday)
Time: 6:30-8:30 pm
Place: East Library Community Room (map below)
- President’s Introduction
- New Members/Visitors Welcome
- What’s Up in Tonight’s Sky
- Show-N-Tele : Bring your astronomy related Christmas presents to share with your fellow club members!
- Adjourn
East Library Community Room
5550 North Union Blvd.
Colorado Springs, CO
Star Parties?
We have no Public Star Parties scheduled for the winter, for the obvious reasons.
Please check back later for next year’s schedule. Thanks!
November 2014 Monthly Meeting
Date: November 25, 2014 (Tuesday) * This is a change from the last month!
Time: 6:30-8:30 pm
Place: East Library Community Room (map below)
- President’s Introduction
- New Members/Visitors Welcome
- What’s Up in Tonight’s Sky
- Photos from the Oct Expo (B. Vixie)
- A report on the Beginner’s Star Party (J. West)
- A report on the Arizona Science and Astronomy Expo (S. Donnell)
- Adjourn
East Library Community Room
5550 North Union Blvd.
Colorado Springs, CO
On-Line Courses in Cosmology and Astrophysics
A new set of on-line university courses are now available at “WWW.WORLDSCIENCEU.COM“. These are comprehensive Master Classes given by world famous scientists that may be taken at your own speed. The current classes which may be played at any time are “Special Relativity” by Prof. Brian Greene and “Inflation” by Prof. Alan Guth. Although the classes are university level, they are quite understandable to anyone with at least a high school education who is interested in astronomy. These classes come in versions with or without advanced mathematics and completion of any module set earns a certificate of completion. World Science U plans classes on general relativity, gravitation, astrophysics, etc., etc.
Bruce Temkin
Super Science Mashup! 10/28/14, Ivywild
Are hauntings and ghost sightings as prevalent as The Science Channel says? From Gozer the Traveler to Ghost Hunters International, the media is gonzo for the paranormal in October. But what does science say about the techniques employed by professional ghost hunters?Continue reading “Super Science Mashup! 10/28/14, Ivywild”
October 2014 Monthly Meeting
(Equipment and Observing Techniques Expo)
Date: October 29, 2014 (Wednesday)
Time: 6:30-8:30 pm
Place: East Library Community Room (map below)
This month’s meeting will be an exciting change to the usual meeting. CSAS members will be bringing their equipment and knowledge to share with the public. Please come and ask questions, see what kinds of telescopes we use, cameras, etc and enjoy a hands-on evening at our Equipment and Observing Techniques Expo!
- President’s Introduction
- New Members/Visitors Welcome
- What’s Up in Tonight’s Sky
- Equipment & Observing Expo
- Adjourn
East Library Community Room
5550 North Union Blvd.
Colorado Springs, CO
October 2014 Public Star Party
Where: Palmer Park, 3650 Maizeland Road, Colorado Springs, CO 80909
**Update 10/3/14 — Clear skies are on the menu for our public star party tomorrow night! Come out to Palmer Park and help us celebrate Astronomy Day! We’ll have our scopes pointed to various different celestial objects! Join us for an unforgettable tour of the night sky.
But of course you know how Colorado is, so don’t forget to check back here the night of the star party to find out if it’s still on depending on the weather.
[mappress mapid=”2″]
Super Science Mashup – 9/22/14
A new Science-centric monthly event for the grown-up set is coming to Bristol Brewery at Ivywild School. SUPER SCIENCE MASHUP is an event styled as a late-night show that tackles both good and bad science in popular culture with demonstrations, presentations, audience participation, expert panels, comedy, music, trivia, telescope viewings, and a cash bar.Continue reading “Super Science Mashup – 9/22/14”
Rocket Science & Moon Myths video
Due to my figuratively dropping the ball, Tristan’s post on his upcoming talk abut Rocket Science & Moon Myths wasn’t posted until after the event and of course I do apologize to Tristan and you all for that!
The good news is that the talk was filmed and is available on YouTube!!!
Rocket Science & Moon Myths – 8/25/14
This Monday, August 25th, a unique pair of space science lectures will take place at the Carnegie Reading Room at the Penrose Library in Downtown Colorado Springs. The event is called “Rocket Science and Moon Myths” and will center on the science, exploration, and common misconceptions about our natural satellite.
The opening presentation will be CSAS member and recent Sky & Telescope contributor Tristan Schwartz giving a comedic talk entitled “Moon Myth Media Mayhem.” From the moon’s perceived effect on human behavior and biology to the frenzy over the so-called “Supermoon,” Mr. Schwartz tackles the reality that people’s misconceptions about the moon ultimately teach us more about our own logical failings than they do about astronomy.Continue reading “Rocket Science & Moon Myths – 8/25/14”
September 2014 Public Star Party
Date: September 6th, 2014 – Saturday
Time: 8:00pm-11:00pm
Location: Bear Creek Regional Park – East Gardens
Co-Sponsored by El Paso County Parks
Let’s hope for good weather and we’ll see you all there.
Bear Creek Park East This is one of our primary location for public star parties. From I-25, exit at the US 24/Cimmaron interchange. Drive west on US 24 to 21st Street. Turn south on 21st Street and drive about 0.8 miles. Turn east on Rio Grande Street. Take the first right into Bear Creek Park. The observing area is in the dirt parking lot to the east of the community gardens. |
January 2013 Meeting
Date: January 22, 2013 (Tuesday)
Time: 7-9pm
– Annual Show-n-Tele meeting. Bring all your toys you’ve acquired in 2012 to show off to the rest of the club.Continue reading “January 2013 Meeting”
October 2012 Public Star Party (Fountain Creek)
Date: Saturday, October 20, 2012
Time: 6:30-11pm
Place: Fountain Creek Regional Park, Fountain, CO