On-Line Courses in Cosmology and Astrophysics


A new set of on-line university courses are now available at “WWW.WORLDSCIENCEU.COM“. These are comprehensive Master Classes given by world famous scientists that may be taken at your own speed. The current classes which may be played at any time are “Special Relativity” by Prof. Brian Greene and “Inflation” by Prof. Alan Guth. Although the classes are university level, they are quite understandable to anyone with at least a high school education who is interested in astronomy. These classes come in versions with or without advanced mathematics and completion of any module set earns a certificate of completion. World Science U plans classes on general relativity, gravitation, astrophysics, etc., etc.

Bruce Temkin


As most of you in the club are aware. I’m big into outreach. I can blame my mom for this as she has always encouraged me and taught me all things scientific and instilled the premise that I always share what I know and learn. She would tell me that knowledge is power and that power needs to go to everyone.

The sciences have always been a passion of mine. I love learning about the interactions of all things physical and like seeing our knowledge progress and expand as well build better tools to observe about our surroundings.

And I really love being able to share that knowledge, especially with the younger generation, hoping to spark an interest in the sciences to keep progress in motion.Continue reading “Outreach”

How To Build Your Own Poncet Table In Only 18 Months

or When A Bargain Isn’t Necessarily A Bargain

by Steve Bygren, steve2822@earthlink.net

In the spring of 1991, I decided to build my own poncet table for my 10 inch dobsonian. I had recently read a number of articles on poncet tables, and I figured I couldn’t live without one. I decided to build my own because they are relatively straight forward to construct, and the commercial versions cost nearly three times what my telescope cost me to build.Continue reading “How To Build Your Own Poncet Table In Only 18 Months”

Astrophotography for Beginners

by Dave Martin, skyhawk1@pcisys.net

Have you ever wanted to try taking astrophotos but have not been sure where to start? What type of film should you use? What type of camera is needed? How long of an exposure should you use? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this article is for you. I’ll discuss what to look for in a camera, what films work well and some of the equipment and techniques used in basic astrophotography.Continue reading “Astrophotography for Beginners”